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Dental Danger: 3 Possible Causes of Oral Cancer

August 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — rmperio @ 5:17 pm
Drawing model figure pushing a large boulder labeled "Oral Cancer"

Did you know that an estimated 58,500 Americans will be diagnosed with some form of oral cancer this year alone? To make matters worse, only slightly more than 50% of those individuals will still be alive in 5 years’ time. Unfortunately, issues like gum disease can increase your chances of having it.

Although it’s natural to feel shocked by such staggering statistics, your periodontist, fortunately, screens for early signs to help prevent this life-threatening condition during standard checkups. You can also reduce the likelihood of developing a problem by avoiding these three factors that can increase your risk. Keep reading to learn more!

Risk Factor #1: Using Tobacco and Alcohol

If you regularly smoke cigarettes, vape, chew tobacco, or drink alcohol, then your addictive habit could be hurting your oral health. These lifestyle choices might help you get through the day, but they are linked to 80% of oral cancer cases in men and 65% in women. Although each substance can be harmful enough on its own, when you partake in both, you’re doing extra damage.

Alcohol can change the cells in your mouth and throat, making it easier for them to absorb the cancer-causing chemicals in your tobacco products and smoke. In fact, it’s estimated that those who use them together are 50 times more likely to have an issue- yikes! If you want to keep your mouth healthy, minimizing your exposure to these two substances is best.

Risk Factor #2: HPV (Human Papillomavirus)

HPV refers to a group of more than 150 different viruses that can cause a growth known as a papilloma (or wart). One strain in particular, HPV16, is the type most often linked to oral cancers, especially in the base of the tongue and tonsils.

Fortunately, cases linked to this type of infection tend to have more favorable prognoses. This is in large part because patients respond better to treatments like chemotherapy and radiation than cases associated with heavy substance use.

Risk Factor #3: Sun Exposure

You probably already know to wear sunscreen or coverups when you spend lots of time in the sun. This protects your skin from the super-strong ultraviolet rays of the sun, which can damage the DNA in your skin cells and cause cancer.

If you’re not protecting your lips when you’re outside, too, you might develop an issue in the soft tissues of your lips. This problem is more common in people who have outdoor jobs or who are exposed to sunlight for longer periods regularly. Thankfully, wearing an SPF lip balm can go a long way to preventing a potentially devastating condition.

Having a better understanding of some risk factors, you can preserve your smile by taking the right precautions to avoid them!

About the Practice

At Rocky Mountain Periodontal Specialists, L.L.C., you benefit from a team of experts who can improve your life by enhancing your oral status. With multiple Board-Certified periodontists, there’s no problem too simple or complex for them to tackle. They understand that gum disease can impact your general well-being and do everything they can to preserve both your grin and overall health. If you’re worried about a possible problem, you can request an appointment on the website or call (719) 574-4867.